None of these influences appears to “cause” or “prevent” autism by themselves. Rather they appear to influence risk in those genetically predisposed to the disorder. (“Environmental Factors in Autism Initiative”). There has been much discussion about the initial suggestion that MMR (measles mumps, rubella) vaccine. However there is now a scientific consensus that the evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism, based on multiple epidemiologic studies which did not support a link between thimerosal-containing vaccines and ASD. However, other environmental factors are likely to contribute to a significant proportion of ASD risk. A recent meta-analysis of prenatal factors, limited to pregnancy-related factors, identified few significant risk factors. The main factors are maternal gestational diabetes, maternal bleeding during pregnancy, and maternal medication (Chaste, Pauline, and Marion
None of these influences appears to “cause” or “prevent” autism by themselves. Rather they appear to influence risk in those genetically predisposed to the disorder. (“Environmental Factors in Autism Initiative”). There has been much discussion about the initial suggestion that MMR (measles mumps, rubella) vaccine. However there is now a scientific consensus that the evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism, based on multiple epidemiologic studies which did not support a link between thimerosal-containing vaccines and ASD. However, other environmental factors are likely to contribute to a significant proportion of ASD risk. A recent meta-analysis of prenatal factors, limited to pregnancy-related factors, identified few significant risk factors. The main factors are maternal gestational diabetes, maternal bleeding during pregnancy, and maternal medication (Chaste, Pauline, and Marion