Taufiq Akhter taufiqakhter@yahoo.com What is Meant by “Environment” ?
Environment means our surroundings, which comprises of land, water and air and other bodies. Environment is affected by the physical properties of these components. It is also affected by the changes in interrelationship prevailing between an among the components ranging from micro-organism to human bodies (ref: section 2 (d), ECA, 1995)
National Environment Policy, MEAs and Bangladesh
Why is the Environment so Important ?
Our life-support system’s is maintained by all the species that make up the biosphere-biodiversity. The survival of all these species are interconnected and dependent on each other. Human being is also a part of this biosphere, extinction of one species is really the extinction of many species and the decline of our lifesupport system for ourselves and future generations. So, all the components of the environment are equally important for human being as well as for the other species.
National Environment Policy, MEAs and Bangladesh
What is meant by “Development” ?
Development is intended to bring a positive change for human beings and its surroundings. Development may take place by bringing about a change in policy, projects and legislation
National Environment Policy, MEAs and Bangladesh
“Sustainable Development”
Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (ref: Our Common Future, World Commission on Environment and Development,1987)
National Environment Policy, MEAs and Bangladesh
Background of Environment Policy
Initiatives for protection of environment in Bangladesh dates back to 1972 when United Nations Conference on Human Environment took place in Stockholm, Sweden. The conference brought leaders of the industrialized and developing nations