Philosophy of Nursing Paper
Person/ Family
Person is the recipient of nursing care, the main center focus of the nursing practice. Person is all the aspects that create an individual from their family structure and their role in that structure to their life knowledge and their beliefs in all the aspects of their world. Person is not only how someone lives, its how they adapt and adjust to changes in their life, their self concept and their view and interpretation of the world around them. Person is individualized and unique to the individual. It is my belief that defining person is the first step that nurses should implement when deciding the individualized and patient specified care of a patient. Person defines what is real and to the client and how they see themselves and the world.
Health is ultimate blending of person and environment. It is the result of who you are and how your environment adjusts to your Person. There are all stages of health and even in a dying patient or chronically ill patient there are various stages of health. Health is not necessarily the absence of illness, but it is the potential wellness of and individual. The definition of health for an 18 year old disease free client is not the same as the definition of an 80 year old chronically ill patient. Health is the optimal potential of a client to be the best they can be for the person and condition that they are in. I believe that health can also be determined by an individual and their particular needs as a person and their application to their role in society.
Environment is everything around a person that affects who they are and how they react to situations and changes. Environment defines the potential for change and is sometimes the sole factor in determining the potential of an individual and their health. If a person has a great support