Prior understanding the metaparadigm of nursing, my philosophy of nursing was merely based on nursing is a profession that aid the process of getting patients better. As Kearney-Nunnery stated, "The metaparadigm is the overall concern of nursing common to each nursing model, whether a conceptual model/paradigm or formal theory" (Kearney-Nunnery, 2016, pp.3). This paper will serve as an explanation of my personal nursing philosophy based on the four concepts of metaparadigm of nursing, which are human beings, environment, health and nursing. Each concept of metaparadigm of nursing composed of its own assumption, belief, and value. Hernandez described assumption as perceptions that are presented because "this …show more content…
My assumption of nursing was nursing is a profession which nurses must take care of their patients until they get better. This assumption was based on prior obtaining my nursing education journey. As my nursing journey continues, I recognized that nursing is not merely based on medical and scientific knowledge. It also has some artistic component in it as well. I had an older patient that was very quiet. Later, I came to find out that he was in pain but refused to take any pain medications because he did not want to view himself as a weak man. I respect his decision of opting out pain medications to treat his pain even though he needs a pain treatment. However, my nursing interventions did not stop there. I planned some creative alternative therapies to treat his pain, by distraction, such as walking around the unit, using my therapeutic communication skill, turning on the TV so he can watch his favorite sport channel. This example is only one way to incorporate creative nursing interventions into nursing. With this finding, I concluded that my nursing belief is nursing a combination of art and science. My value of nursing is to be the patients' advocate and a caregiver with possessing the quality of being compassionate and caring, especially when they are in vulnerable state. Nurses are the "first-line" health professionals that know our patients' progress because the amount of time that we spend with each of them. In the case of my patient above I advocated for his choice of refusing to receive the pain medications. However, I still deliver my best nursing care with compassion and caring through therapeutic communication. To conclude, the term nursing, to me, means not only a profession anymore, but health professionals that will do anything in their power to make the patients feel