I will remember that patients are not medical conditions. Nursing goes beyond the caring for a physical ailment. In order for patients to heal wholly, emotional needs are to be met. To achieve this, I will be
empathetic, compassionate, and caring to the patient’s emotional needs. As patient advocate, I will encourage involvement in treatment of care, allowing the building of trust and their engagement in the setting of their individualized health goals. I will educate the patient and their family on treatment, disease, and new healthy behavior habits for the patient. I will only tell the truth to the patient and promote good, while avoiding harm.
I believe that nursing philosophy aligns with my core values, but I will be aware of my own personal biases and will not allow them to interfere with the health beliefs of patient. I will treat the patients regardless of their values, culture of beliefs, with the utmost respect. I will not make assumptions based on culture.