D.14000kcal/m2/yr E.1075kcal/m2/yr F.604kcal/m2/yr
G.10000kcal/m2/yr H.4157kcal/m2/yr I.27372kcal/m2/yr
J.2.4 K.1.26 L.1.02
After completing your calculations, answer the following questions. Include your responses to these questions along with your answers from the calculations you did above. Send your responses to me in an email no later than Monday, October 6th.
1. Notice that the Gross Primary Productivity (P) of the alfalfa field and the deciduous forest are not too different from each other. However, the Plant Respiration (RP) in the forest is almost double that in the alfalfa field. What factors (physical, chemical, or biological) do you think might explain this difference? The difference would have to be the biological and physical factors. The reason for this is the cycle in deciduous forest goes through. Tree insects and diseases are most common in older forests. They help to rejuvenate the forest by decomposing organic matter and releasing nutrients into the soil.
2. Look at the values for the Productivity/Respiration Ratios (P/R) you calculated. What is the reason for the difference between the alfalfa field and the deciduous forest or prairie?
The difference could be that it’s a larger area. That gets a lot more sunlight.
3. What would a Productivity/Respiration Ratio (P/R) of 1.00 indicate?
4. Note the difference in Net Ecosystem Productivity (NEP) between the alfalfa field and the forest. What does this say about the amount of energy retained by the ecosystem versus that which is in excess at the end of the growing or producing season? (10 pts)
5. What ecosystem would you expect to have the least biodiversity? The greatest biodiversity? (14 pts)
6. What connection or relationship between biodiversity and P/R can be made with this information? (10 pts)