Enzymes, just like other catalyst, will not be used up as a part reactant through the reaction. So enzymes can be used over and over again. The substrates fit into the enzyme like a key fits into a lock (3). Enzymes have other functions as well, for example enzymes play a big role in your stomach and intestines. Enzymes such as protease, lipase, and amylase can break up fat, oil and starches from our daily food.
How Does It Work?
Enzymes are proteins, which act with a given compound (the substrate) to produce a complex, which then forms the products of the reaction.(1)
Enzymes are controlled by the industries by the temperature, the PH, the concentration and the enzymes inhibitors and effectors. Temperature: Different types of enzymes can work in different or similar temperatures. But temperature that is too high can destroy enzymes. Normally, the maximum temperature of an enzyme could survive in is 40 Celsius. When the temperature gets too hot, the shape of the enzymes changes, and it can no longer change shape to fit substrates in and the acceleration in the reaction can no longer happen(3). PH: As the PH change, the same thing happens when u put enzymes in a really hot environment; it changes change and can no longer do its jobs. Most common PH of a enzyme is normally 7, but some enzymes that works
Bibliography: (1) Hine, Robert. "enzyme." Science Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 14 Sept. 2010. http://fofweb.com/activelink2.asp?ItemID=WE40&SID=5&iPin=FDBF0983&SingleRecord=True (2) Rosen, Joe, and Lisa Quinn Gothard