Enzymes are a type of protein vital to sustaining life, it works with vitamins and minerals as a biological catalyst, which lowers the activation energy for a reaction to occur. Each individual type of enzyme does a specific job, and they do not die, they are reused. For example, catalase is an enzyme found in almost all living cells that will break down hydrogen peroxide and turn it into water and oxygen. The breakdown of Hydrogen peroxide happens when it gets released from metabolism, and
Yeast Solution
4 Test tubes
Graduated cylinder
1 Bottle of Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrochloric acid
Hot water bath
Ice Bath
Test tube rack
Test tube holder
Wear goggles at all times during lab. When heating test tubes in hot water bath, fact the mouth of the test tubes away from yourself and others. Hydrochloric acid is corrosive. Rinse with water and inform your teacher if your skin comes into contact with the acid.
a) Gather 4 test tubes and place them on o test tube rack, label A-D
b) Put 5mLs of yeast solution into each test tube
c) Put each individual test tube into its corresponding treatment.
1. Test tube A- Do not treat, this is the control
2. Test tube B- Heat treatment, place in hot water bath for ten minutes with test tube holder and then carefully remove
3. Test tube C-Cold treatment, put into ice bath for 10 miniutes
4. Test tube D-Acid treatment, pour 2mLs of hydrochloric acid into the tube and swirl gently
Place each treatment on test tube rack after waiting 10 minutes.
d) Place one full dropper of hydrogen peroxide into each test tube as quickly as possible.
e) Compare the reactions in each test tube
Data, Results, and Observations The enzyme catalase worked best under the controlled condition, it had the most significant visible release of energy. When it was placed in the hot water bath, the enzyme stopped functioning at optimum level