The Digestive System:
Many people believe that when you eat a meal it drops into a pool of stomach acid, and then it is broken down as it goes into the small intestine to have nutrients taken out, and then into the colon to be passed out of the body.
What really is supposed to happen is that you need to eat enzyme rich foods that enter the stomach covered with digestive enzymes. These enzymes then "pre digest" your food for about an hour which would …show more content…
Pepsin is a powerful enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller pieces found in meats, eggs, seeds or dairy products. It is produced in the stomach.
The hydrochloric acid inactivates all of the food-based enzymes, and begins its own function of breaking down what is left of the meal with the help of pepsin. This nutrient-rich food concentrate moves into the small intestine where the acid gets neutralized and the pancreas reintroduces digestive enzymes to the process. Once digestion is completed the nutrients are passed through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream.
For most of us the food entering our stomach is severely enzyme deficient because of processing and cooking. Any food that sustains heat of approximately 118 to 129 degrees fahrenheit destroys the enzymes. The food then sits there for an hour, like a heavy lump, with very little pre-digestion taking place. This forces the body to produce large amounts of stomach acid in an attempt to overcompensate. Most of the meal enters the small intestine largely undigested, there are two major …show more content…
Your body's loses the ability to sufficiently process food in the stomach.
Consequences can include:
Poor digestion. Not only is there insufficient stomach acid to break down food, there is insufficient acidity to optimize the digestive enzyme pepsin, which requires a pH of around 2.0. This results in partial digestion of food, leading to gas, bloating, belching, diarrhea/constipation, autoimmune disorders, skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and a host of intestinal disorders such as Crohn's and IBS..
Many vitamins and minerals require proper stomach acid in order to be properly absorbed, including: calcium, iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Vitamin B12 in particular requires sufficient stomach acid for proper utilization. Without that acid, severe B12 deficiency can result.
With low acidity and the presence of undigested food, harmful bacteria are more likely to colonize the stomach and interfere with digestion. Normal levels of stomach acid help to keep the digestive system free of harmful bacteria and