The mission of equal opportunity in the military is the fair treatment of all soldiers in the military. Equal Opportunity (EO) program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential to ensure fair treatment for military personnel, family members, and civilians without regard to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior. Some of the things that are encompassed by this are not having artificial barriers prejudices or preferences. Unless there is a valid reason for it I.E. ( Pvt. Snuffy D. not being eligible to go to WLC because of his rank), these kinds of instances are justified in they require specific criteria like rank. The people that are in the military are there for a reason they went through the same struggles as you did to get where you are now just maybe in different circumstances so that does not make it okay to discriminate against them for their race, ethnicity, gender, or creed. Everyone is the same we just look different.
The equal opportunity concept assumes that society is stratified with a diverse range of roles, some of which are more desirable than others. And the benefit of equality of opportunity is to bring fairness. The Department of the Army Equal Opportunity (EO) program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential and to ensure fair treatment for all persons based solely on merit, fitness, and capability in support of readiness.
Soldiers and civilians must understand the devastating affects racism can have on a victim and on unit readiness. Problems due to racism can manifest themselves in a number of ways. Some are very obvious, while others may be well hidden and not so visible. The first and most obvious impact racism has on victims is that it interferes with their work performance. A soldier or civilian employee who has to