Fever, muscle aches, loss of appetite, exhaustion, swollen salivary glands, these are all possible symptoms of mumps, also known as epidemic parotitis (Mumps, CDC). All of these symptoms are caused by a viral infection;there is a vaccine to this virus to help protect humans from the horrible disease.
The mumps virus, once inside the body, will spread to the throat, nose, mouth, and salivary glands by way of mucus and saliva. While it spreads, it can cause the symptoms previously listed. This is only how it spreads through an infected person’s body though, another side to this is the transmission from person to person. A person can catch mumps if they come into contact with an infected person’s saliva or mucus; this means that a cough or sneeze can easily spread mumps, especially if the infected …show more content…
In men, a rare but possible complication, is orchitis. Orchitis leads to sterility if not handled or treated properly and in a timely manner, because it causes swelling of the testis (Mayo Clinic). A similar effect is seen, just as rarely, in women; swelling of the ovaries which may lead to fertility issues, and a swelling in the breast known as mastitis. Other swelling can be seen in the pancreas, brain, and spinal cord (CDC). Deafness can occur if the infection is severe.
Since mumps is caused by a virus, antibiotics are not beneficial to treat it. Luckily, for most, the body can typically fight off the virus within two weeks (Mayo Clinic). That is, of course, in healthy bodies, so the elderly and those with immune system issues are at increased risks of serious complications. Some lifestyle changes to make when fighting the infection include avoiding citrus or heavily seasoned foods to prevent the overuse of the salivary glands, taking over the counter pain relievers to manage the pain and inflammation, and using cold compresses