Besides the computer and all the hardware, the items utilized in this experiment are a list of words, which the participant has to either provide a synonym or a word that rhymes with that word in the phase one of the experiment. The time allotted for the answering is five seconds. On the phase two of the experiment, the participant has to recognize if the word was on the previous list or not. The lures are provided in order to make sure the results are reliable, and the participant really did the experiment. The design of the study is a factorial design, which had two independent variables. The independent variables are the conditions, which are the words that I had to give a synonym, the words that the participant had to give a word that rhymes with them, and the lures. Describe what …show more content…
These results are compared to high proportion of lures in the experimental results. These finding apply to real life situations in that people experience episodic memory when recalling an item. Furthermore, a follow up experiment is suggested to increase the accuracy measurements of each presented