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Describe which theory, which research studies, which preparation sessions, which offprints, this project will be based on.
Paivio's dual coding theory
Research studies: Mintzer & Snodgrass (1999); Sternberg et al. (1995)
Preparation session: 'Learning word-pairs in a controlled experiment', study week 1
Offprints: Sternberg, G., Radeborg, K. and Leif, R.H. (1995) 'The picture superiority effect in cross-modality recognition' Memory and cognition, vol.23, pp. 425-41
This project is based on the picture superiority effect and Paivio’s dual coding theory. Paivio’s dual coding theory highlights that we have different ways of storing information, either visually or/and verbally, the picture superiority effect shows that stimuli presented as pictures can be more easily remembered and recalled in comparison to stimuli presented as just words. Research hypothesis/Research question
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Enter your Research Hypothesis or Research Question as appropriate
Research Hypothesis
What is the research hyothesis that you wish to test?
The participants will be able to recall more words in Condition 3 (Words and Pictures) than the other two conditions. Conditions 1 (words) and 2 (pictures) being the least …show more content…
By presenting participants with conditions that contain words; pictures; pictures and words we should be able to identify that the pictures are the better memory