What is epistemology? Using my own “common sense”, I would say it's the study of how we know. It is the ways of knowing. We use it to understand our reality. To get an even better understanding, we can reference the definition from Dictionary.com, which states: “EPISTEMOLOGY: A branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge.” The World English Dictionary words it like so: “The theory of knowledge, the critical study of its validity, methods, and scope.” Now that we have better understanding of what epistemology is, what are these “methods” or these “ways of knowing” we keep talking about? Epistemology has several “ways of knowing”, three known ones to be exact, in which we can use to help deepen our understanding of reality. They are commonly known as “The three epistemologies”. The names of these three epistemologies are: “Common Sense”, “Metaphoric Method”, and “Scientific Method”. Okay, slow down, what do these mean though? What does each one mean individually, in regards to epistemology? Well the first one we tend to use and that is probably used by everyone is “common Sense”. We all know what common sense is, right? Using our “common sense”, we can say that it's our sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence. We are always using this method daily for determining the who, what, when, where, why, and how's of our life. Every second, we are using our common sense to help us understand our reality further. The metaphoric method. I'm sure many of us have heard of a metaphor before. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in “Life is a roller coaster.” We can always interpret these our own way, but they can often give us insight on matters we might
What is epistemology? Using my own “common sense”, I would say it's the study of how we know. It is the ways of knowing. We use it to understand our reality. To get an even better understanding, we can reference the definition from Dictionary.com, which states: “EPISTEMOLOGY: A branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge.” The World English Dictionary words it like so: “The theory of knowledge, the critical study of its validity, methods, and scope.” Now that we have better understanding of what epistemology is, what are these “methods” or these “ways of knowing” we keep talking about? Epistemology has several “ways of knowing”, three known ones to be exact, in which we can use to help deepen our understanding of reality. They are commonly known as “The three epistemologies”. The names of these three epistemologies are: “Common Sense”, “Metaphoric Method”, and “Scientific Method”. Okay, slow down, what do these mean though? What does each one mean individually, in regards to epistemology? Well the first one we tend to use and that is probably used by everyone is “common Sense”. We all know what common sense is, right? Using our “common sense”, we can say that it's our sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence. We are always using this method daily for determining the who, what, when, where, why, and how's of our life. Every second, we are using our common sense to help us understand our reality further. The metaphoric method. I'm sure many of us have heard of a metaphor before. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in “Life is a roller coaster.” We can always interpret these our own way, but they can often give us insight on matters we might