Answer: there are many types of epithetical tissue with many different functions in different parts of the body that do many different things working together to do there job to maintain these conclusions, first off theres the simple squamous: known as a single layer commonly very flat known for filitration and & absorption found in the lungs and blood vessels, known as the circulatory system. The stratified epithelia has 2 or more cells on top of each other this is known for protection such as the skin and mouth, simple cubodial: these tend to be bigger and have a box shape known excretion and absorption play a big part known to be found in the glands ducts, and portion of the kidney tubles, simple columnar: one layer very tall and skinny known for absorption and secrtetion can be found in the digestive tract to the stomach and rectum. Psuedostratified columnar looks like there is many cells however there is only one layer of cells, known for secreting and absorbing can e found in the respitory tract, stratified squamous: there are many layers of cells tend to look tiles built up known to be the …show more content…
most talked about can be known as the external part of protection for skin and goes through all body openings.
Next is stratified columnar: has 2 layers of cells is known to be very rare can be found in the in ducts of sweat and mammary glands, transitional: known to be many layers of cells tend
to change in shape can be cubodial or columnar can be found in the urinary bladder,renal pelvis and ureatha. Glandalur: one or more cells known for secreting different enzymes and hormones, could be in the sweat salivary and adrenal glands
Transitional epithelium can be talked about more in detail this type of epithelium can be further expanded they can be stretched and flattened in hence the bladder and calyx, can expand known as a special type of epithelium. When flattened the over all epithelium becomes thinner giving the appreance of a stacked appreance, commonly called urotheal epithelium, the transition comes from the term one shape to another the outer layer has a covering by dense material,
How can we decide how ttransitional epithelium is related to structure and function, first lets look at exactly what this is made up of what part of the body it is found in, the urinary tract a very sensitive and open area known for bacteria and many infections such as urinary tract and diesieis such as urinary tract cancer, also found in the uretes and superior ureatha the cells tend to stay in shape when there is nothing happening with the tube such as being stretched. What happens is the bladder fills up therefore the tissue becomes compressed, giving it a flat shape. Functionally the tissue is stretched whe the bladder is full this gives a increase in bladder volume . the cells become relaxed and the bladder is emptied, the fluctaion of the volume of the urine in the organ or tube is protected agaist caustic effects of the urine. So in the end the bladder fills up the shape is changed when it is stretched the bladder will relax letting the flow of the urine to be emptied .