Differentiation- how do cells change into different cell types?
Morphogenesis- “ know how to organize functional structures?
Growth- “ when to stop dividing?
Reproduction- “ achieve “immortality”
Evolution- How do changed in development create new body forms over time?
Role of environment in development
08/27/13 Class- 1
Life Cycle: A central unit in biology
Epigenisis: New organisms are generated from somewhat disorganized cytoplasm and reorganized DNA.
Preformation does not exist in anatomical structures
Embryo mediates between the genotype and phenotype
-Three germ layers [ectoderm/mesoderm/endoderm]-> Organ systems
-Dyes can be used to track the origin and position of cells
-Congenital anomalies can be caused by genetic and or environmental factors
-Syndromes- developmental abnormalities that appear unlinked but occur together
Major Processes: Mesenchymal and epithelial cells
EMT: Mesenchymal -> Epithelial transition
Condensation- Cell division- Cell death
Mesenchymal Cells: Migration- Matrix secretion and degradation- Growth
Epithelial: Dispersal- Delamination- Shape change or growth
Cell migration-
Gastrula Ectoderm:
-Outer surface- Epidermal cells of skin
-CNS- Neuron of brain
-Neural Crest- Pigment cells (melanocytes)
Gastrula Mesoderm:
-Dorsal-Notochord- derived from cells of mesoderm, primary axis of the embryo
-Paraxial (central axis of the body, situated alongside or each side of)- Bone Tissue
-Intermediate (occurring or situated between two points, extremes, places, etc.; in between)- tubule of the kidney
-Lateral-Red blood cells
-Head- Facial muscle
Gastrula Endoderm and Germ Layers:
Endoderm- Digestive tube/Stomach cell, Pharynx/Thyroid cells, Respiratory tube/lung cells (alveolar cells).
Germ cells- Male/female gametes, Sperm and egg
EMT: Mesenchymal and Epithelial transition
Mesenchymal Cells
Condensation causes the Mesenchymal cells to