“Title II provided federal grants to the states for school-library, resources, textbooks, and instruction materials” (Bornet, P. 222). President Johnson added Title III which induce innovation and helped in areas such as art, music, languages, counseling, and educational media (Bornet, P. 223). Then he included Title VI which focused on disable children. During his presidency, Title VI helped 225,000 disable children (Bornet, P. 223). Later, Title VIII was created to lower the dropout rate and to help rural schools (Bornet, P. 223). However, the government did not have the funds for Title VIII. Ultimately, the language in the Education Act was designed to prevent federal domination over the curriculum, personnel, books, and to prohibit the use of these funds in transporting students for the purpose of integrating schools (Bornet, P. …show more content…
222). For instance, in the House of Representative, the Democrats supported him on eighty-one percent of all the votes compared to Kennedy’s eighty-three percent votes (Bornet, P. 222). This is significant because he received more votes from his party than previous presidents that was in office longer than him. For instance, in the House of Representative, the Republicans supported Eisenhower by sixty-eight percent, Nixon by 72.5 percent, and Ford by sixty-five percent (Bornet, P.