Up to date technology in classrooms allows students to …show more content…
This technology advantage allows teachers to give students the opportunity to learn individually, for example; one student is working on an assignment, but is much slower than others, with the advantage of individual up to date laptops allows that student to stay on the lesson they are on, while allowing the other students to move on without disturbing the whole class, and insuring the knowledge of the lesson to the student that was struggling. Advanced technology in the classroom prepares each student individually for the work force they intend to train for. Jobs today require computer work no matter what the job is. Secretaries need a computer for daily workload, doctors need technology for charting and communication with patients, and even mechanics need technology for diagnostic purposes. The way technology is benefiting the business world in adults is similar to how it can affect the classroom and children. Advanced technology in the classroom can allow students and teachers to virtually communicate and set goals toward the student's direct