Equality and diversity can mean different things to different people and organisations. The term equality and diversity is defined best, in my opinion, as the prevention and elimination of discrimination between persons. I believe the importance of incorporating equality and diversity into the teaching and learning organisations is high as this will encourage minority groups to get involved. It also provides all learners with a fair and enjoyable environment to learn and fulfil their potential.
Equality means to treat everyone the same irrespective of their race, religion, beliefs and sexual orientation. Everyone should be treated with the same level of respect and dignity.
Equality is making sure that every student is treated in the same way and their needs are met in different ways. All learners are entitled to education according their needs, regardless of any difference.
• A teacher has to be aware of the different learning styles of each student and be patient, listen and help learners overcome their learning difficulties. Learning challenges should be set appropriate to different pupils, promoting equality through different teaching methods. Discrimination, bullying and other issues have to be addressed. Good behaviour has to be managed and accesses to additional resources have to be available for learners with disabilities or difficulties.
Diversity is valuing individual differences, regardless of age, sex, religion, race, nationality.
• A teacher has to recognise the differences and also the reality that all students do not learn in the same way. Teaching a diverse group of students needs monitoring student progress, and responding to student input. The