Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning 1.1 Some of the key aspects of legislation, regularly requirement and codes of practice are covered in: * Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. * Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. * Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005 (DDA). * Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (designed to bring education within the remit of the DDA through the addition of Part 4 DDA 1995). * Equality Act 2006. * Data Protection Act 1998. * Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (The Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003). * IfL Code of Practice for Teachers (2008). * Safer practice, safer learning (2007) – responsibilities for safeguarding vulnerable adults in the learning and skills sector – published by NIACE and DES.
My responsibility and role as a teacher in relation to the above can be split into 3 parts. As a teacher I have a legislative requirement to act within the accordance to the law as defined in an Act of Parliament and usually enforceable through the court. I am obligated to act within a code of practice which is a set of rules outlining how a person in a particular profession or situation is expected to behave. In addition to this a statutory code of practice approved by Parliament and admissible as evidence in any legal action is to be adhered to.
Diversity can be defined as variety of different things. In the context of teaching adults in lifelong learning diversity can be described as a variety of different cultures.
Equality can be defined as equal opportunities and rights despite any differences such as race, disability, gender, sexuality etc. As a teacher in crafts it is my responsibility to ensure I address all participants needs to achieve the desired learning outcome despite any diverse needs. In my current teaching role I ensure that promotion leaflets use simple language i.e no jargon, limited text which