1.3 What are the benefits of valuing and promoting cultural diversity in work with young people? Why is it important?…
Dr John Kotter has written a change model:”The 8 step process for leading change”. Kotter believes there are 8 stages that must be completed:…
1.1 when assessing the needs, backgrounds and experiences we use information provided by social workers which come from LAC reviews, social workers personal knowledge of the child and schools which all help to assess whether you are able to provide the correct care and accommodation for the child. This is not always the case though as this information is not always correct or is not always available, this can sometimes lead to difficulties when providing a home for the child.…
When working in a health and social care setting you must know how to use appropriate terminology with regards to equality and diversity. For example words like Empowerment, Diversity, and Stereotyping should be used in the right context. Without…
Completing an early assessment is very important especially for example if someone was reaching the end of their life. If they wish to identify and establish their preferences, and choices, and identify areas that their needs are not being met.…
2.1 Explain how legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own work role…
Outcome 1 Understand the legislation and policies that support the human rights ind inclusion of individuals with learning disabilities…
1.1 – it is important for me to continually improving my knowledge, and ensure that I am aware of, and follow, the current health & social care standards, legislation, and guidelines for good practice. Learning new skills and refreshing training enables me to progress, and achieve within my career and working practices.…
Avi) A PDP is a Personal Development Plan and is developed between you and your manager. Your manager will record information about your learning and development needs in work. It should include things like targets, agreed objectives and activities to meet them and standards that are required. All of this is built into your appraisal.…
Your assessor will ask you to complete workbooks, essays etc to cover each unit of this award, which will differ, depending on which awarding body is being used. Therefore, the guidance answers enclosed are based on the ‘outcomes’ for each unit, which will support your knowledge, and…
1.1: Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own role.…
If these code’s of practice and legislations where not to be followed the consequences can be diverse. They can effect just one individual or can effect an entire team of social care workers. By not following the codes of practice and the legislation you could cause a s.u to feel discriminated against which would have negative effects such as making them feel isolated or un-heard and could lead to more problems that would effect the people around them as well as the individual . By not using inclusive practice you may find that the S.U might be put in a situation in which they are not happy which could make them act out in a way that could effect their future and how other team members interact with them. For example by failing to us an inclusive practice with an s.u by taking them to a public park, without first consulting or discussing this with the s.u they could miss out on important information such as the s.u being afraid of dogs, this could then lead to an incident due to there being dogs at the park. Which could cause s.u to raise of baseline, then a increase of precautions and restrictions around their day to…
This is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents, and believing that no one should have poorer life chances because of where, what or whom they were born, what they believe, or whether they have a disability. Equality recognises that historically, certain groups of people with particular characteristics e.g. race, disability, sex and sexuality, have experienced discrimination.…
The government has a mandate to 'build a safe, just and tolerant society for everyone in the UK, regardless of their race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or age. Managers that value diversity and promote equality of opportunity and inclusion will tend to work in a person- centred way, focusing on individual strengths and needs, striving to improve the quality of participation of all people with whom they work. There are various pieces of legislation in place to promote equality and reduce discrimination. These include:…
Tutor signature and date Activity 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.3) Explain what is meant by Diversity Diversity means differences between individuals according to their nationality, age, culture, ability, race, sexual preference and religion Equality Equality means fairness and justness of individual rights, giving choices and opportunities in respect of individual needs Inclusion Inclusion means involving everybody, empowering individuals, encouraging choice and providing opportunities according to need What are the potential effects of discrimination on individuals Discrimination could potentially damage a service users self-esteem and their ability to develop and maintain a sense of their own identity How would you challenge discrimination if you discovered it in your care setting If I discovered discriminatory behaviour, I would question the person discriminating against the service user and suggest ways in which the service user could be included in the activity. If this did not work, I know how to report my concerns and trust my manager to review and develop policies and procedures accordingly. How does inclusive practice Promote equality If you are including the person in whatever you are doing, you are treating them as a person, a unique being and not letting their disability preclude them from joining in with every activity that they are able to do, within their capabilities. Support diversity Allow people to be individuals and value their differences. Activity 2 (2.1, 2.2,) For each of the terms below Equality Diversity Discrimination Name the legislation that relates to this subject All of the above are now covered by the Equality Act which came into force on the 1st of October 2010. This combines lots of separate pieces of legislation into one single Act and provides a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and promote equality of…