Outcome 1
1.1 What are the laws and codes of practice that relate to the promotion of equality and the valuing of diversity?
The Equality Act 2010
The Disability Discrimination Act 2005
The Sex Discrimination Act 1975
The Race Relations Act 1976
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
1.2 Why is it important to support the rights of all children and young people to particiption and equality of access?
It is important because children and young people can’t always speak or stand up for themselves and if they have these rights, it will help CYP’s to express views and participate in making decisions that affect them directly.
1.3 What are the benefits of valuing and promoting cultural diversity in work with young people? Why is it important?
It is important because CYP’s learn and are influenced by others, so by promoting positive attitudes towards cultural diversity they will then grow up with positive outlooks and not be discriminatory or prejudice, or feel superior to others.
The Benefits are that it will promote integration among young people within different cultures.
Outcome 2
See separate sheet
Outcome 3
3.1 Describe what is meant by inclusion and inclusive practices.
Inclusion can be described as ‘the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure’.
‘Inclusive practices means identifying barriers to participation and taking positive action to eliminate those barriers and encourages participation in the full range of activities provided by the setting.’
3.2 Describe the features of an inclusive setting for Children and Young People.
An inclusive setting for CYP’s will mean staff are aware of pupils needs, so necessary altercations can be made in case of any difficulties that may arise. If a SEN child or one with a disability encounters a problem, the focus should be
References: Google Online Dictionary Teaching Assistant’s Handbook Level 2 by Teena Kamen