Unit 204 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in work with children and young people.
Each school must provide a range of policies which formally sets out the guidelines and procedures for ensuring Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in work with children and young people.These must take account of of rights of all individuals and groups within the school. To understand importance and how to support children's right we have to learn Basic Children's Rights and Legislation.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Children are viewed as having wide range of rights. As well as basic rights, life, health and education, they have a wider range including :
Right to play
Right to express view
Right to participate in making decision that directly effect them.
Although these needs may very but they all have the same right.
All main school have their own …show more content…
Sparhawk school ensure that legislation/ guidance are meet having school rules and policies in place. Setting up Mission and Vision to brighten up children’s future and Equal Right. We have school councils which is made of children. They held regular meeting and decide about school rules and Children in Need.
School provide a range of school clubs which are either run at lunch Time or after school. The clubs include Art and Craft, Musical Instruments, Singing, Dance and Sport, Computer, Cookery and Gardening.
Children with Special Education Needs will have individual educational plan developed for them which is designed for their particular needs. This needs will be discussed and reviewed regularly with parents/carers and targets set as part of the plan.
All members of the school community are treated with equal regard and we aim to offer equal opportunities in learning, physical ability, age, gender, ethnic group or religious belief we do not tolerate any