1.1 when assessing the needs, backgrounds and experiences we use information provided by social workers which come from LAC reviews, social workers personal knowledge of the child and schools which all help to assess whether you are able to provide the correct care and accommodation for the child. This is not always the case though as this information is not always correct or is not always available, this can sometimes lead to difficulties when providing a home for the child.
1.2 Needs, backgrounds and experiences can be accommodated within our own home if we have the correct information about the child, for example any religious cultures or beliefs of the child would be taken into consideration and positively promoted where appropriate, another example is if the child was in a wheel chair, we would have to take look at accommodating them with a down stairs bathroom and bedroom if they were unable to use stairs.
2.1 A child would be made to feel welcome right away by making them feel as comfortable as possible we would ask if the wanted to meet the rest of the family in the house, we would be warm and friendly towards them, show them around the house and their bedroom, also take time to listen to any questions or concerns the child may have, its not always that straight forward and we also have to use our knowledge and judgment to know what makes them feel happy and comfortable as sometimes this information is not always passed on or is not known.
2.2 To personalise the home for a child it would be nice for them to bring any personal items they have that makes them happy with them, where appropriate decorate the child’s bedroom how they would like, display photos and posters that they like, any teddy’s ,toys and bedcoverings they like will also help.
2.3 To help and support the child to understand house rules we would explain the rules and why they are in place in a way the child understands according to their