I am a Registered Mental Health Nurse working for a private company and was given the opportunity to work as an in-house trainer when the regional trainer left the company last year. It was my responsibility as the trainer to ensure all staff was brought up to date with Mandatory training such as Health & Safety, Moving & Handling, Data Protection, and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults & Children to name a few sessions.
So the question had to be asked: What is the role and responsibility of the teacher in the lifelong learning sector? To find this out I would need to do some research to find the evidence as well as go to college to gain the relevant qualification to support my role as a teacher. Gravells, A (2012) believes, it is not just about the teaching but also about the learning that takes place; and that it is not just the students who will be learning but also the teacher. The sessions will have to be specific, at a language and stage the students can understand as well as assessing them as we go along to ensure learning has been achieved and at what level before we can move onto further sessions. Not only that, there will have to be feedback for the students as well as the teacher to assess if anything needs to be done to improve future sessions, as teachers can also learn from constructive criticism; this was something I had not thought about and will have to cope with as not everyone is perfect; Walker, G (10.6.2013) goes on to say that having critical feedback can promote good constructive growth in both relationships and the individual.
It was at this point I decided to go to college and gain the relevant qualification that would help me gain insight and knowledge to ensure I was doing the teaching sessions correctly. The Institute for Learning (2008) is an independent professional body for tutors, trainers, teacher’s student teachers in the further education and
References: Equality Act (2010). www.adviceguide.org.uk [Accessed 30th April 2013] Gravells, A Health Inspectorate Wales. www.hiw.org.uk/ [Accessed 10th May 2013] Health & safety At Work Act (1974) www.hse.gov.uk/legislation/hswa.htm [Accessed 30th April 2013] NMC Code of Professional Conduct (2008) www.nmc-uk.org/ [Accessed 30th April 2013] Pennington, D Rogers, J. (2001) Adult Learning. Maidenhead:Open University Press. The Data Protection Act (1998 amended 2003) www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998 [Accessed April 30th 2013] Walker, G Williams, J. & Gravells, A. (Eds) (2012) Study Skills for PTTLS. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd.