To begin with, there are many African American advancement groups. I am not saying in any way at all that this is a bad thing, it’s actually a very good thing to be proud of who you are and try to better yourself in any way possible but when it comes down to Black Entertainment Television and Black History Month and others of the sort, some Whites can’t help but think, “what about us?”. I’ve seen other races respond with statements such as, “Whites are already advanced enough” and “If there was White Entertainment Television that would just be racist”. This leads me into my next topic, the job market.
In no way are Whites any more advanced in the job market than Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners, etc. Many Whites actually get turned down for jobs because companies are legally required to hire a certain amount of people from each race to maintain equality in the workplace. This must be done no matter how qualified or unqualified a person is for the job. Whites are losing jobs just on the basis of the color of their skin. This, I see, is a major problem. Jobs should not be given out because you fit a certain demographical profile; jobs should be given based on your qualifications, character, and experience. I believe that everyone should be given a fair chance at a job no matter their age, race, gender, sexuality, etc.
My next point is that the majority