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Please note that this Assessment document has 18 pages and is made up of 5 Parts.
Name:L'Toyah Royall
Part 1: Understanding equality
This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1: Understand what equality is.
Learning objective
Place in Assessment
1.1 Describe what is meant by equality
Question 1 Page 1
1.2 Define the following terms:
Protected characteristics
Equal opportunity
Positive action
Discrimination by association
Question 2 Page 2
1.3 Describe examples of equal opportunity within society
Question 3a Page 3
1.4 Describe examples of inequality within society
Question 3b Page 3
1. What is meant by equality? Provide a description below. [1.1]
Equality means that everyone in society have the same opportunities in everyday life regardless of their age, gender, disability, religion, beliefs and sexual orientation. Treating everyone as equal means every individual can achieve their potential and dreams free from discrimination. Everyone is entitled to having the same opportunities without being judged.
2. Provide a definition of each of the following terms: [1.2]
Forming an incorrect opinion of an individual or a group.
Pre judgement or forming an opinion before knowing the facts. Preconceived opinion based on age, nationality, religion, gender.
Forming opinions on an individual or group based on limited