Equality is having the same privileges, status, or rights. But does society, apply this definition to everyone fairly?
Did you know that 6 to 10% of our children in America have learning disabilities? That means that some of you in this class are either learning disabled or know someone who is, or one day might even be a parent of a learning disabled child. I want you to think for a moment about how you might feel if that person or child were denied the same rights as you because of that disability. The right to an equal educational experience, the right to compete in an equal workforce; even just the right to be independent. Today my discussion topic will focus on the importance of Equality to those that have a disability.
Growing up as a child with a learning disability, I’d been bullied and had been led to believe that I was not like everyone else. This went on for many years, as I struggled to fight to prove everyone wrong, to show them all that I was equal to everyone else if given the same opportunities to learn. So here I am today, living up to my word. I finished High School and got my diploma, got accepted to this prestigious University and now I’m studying Exceptional Education here at Lynn so that I might have the chance to pass on the benefits of my experiences and teach those same children who have a learning disability.
People need to know that learning disabilities are real. According to floridatechnet.org, learning disabilities often go undetected because you can’t simply see it with the naked eye. Recognizing it is even more difficult because it severity and characteristics vary. People may not notice, but to those who do, they simply ignore the idea and will single them out for, not completing a task. These people are ABLED people, who have just as big of a desire to live like everyone else.
By helping others understand the difficulties that the Learning Disabled face, we can convey that being learning disabled does not have to