”But I, being poor have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams” quotes the senior Grammaton Cleric Errol
Partridge from W.B. Yeats book titled “The Wind Among the Reed,” moments before his death.
The idea of dreaming is having the ability to set goals or plans for your future. Without dreams and aspirations we as a society would have no emotion or feeling and would be in a state of lifelessness. The moment we quit dreaming and start to live as someone else dictates us to, is the very moment that we are no longer human. There would be no reason for us to live if we could not share our God given abilities with other people. Errol Partridge was among the first to share this insight to us during the movie Equilibrium.
When God created man he gave us free will with the ability to feel and have emotion that could allow us to dictate our lives and the way we live. In this film, man has been swept of all emotion and feeling. The meaning of words like “love,” “sorry,” or even “hello” became useless because there was no emotion behind them. The content that allows us to feel and express human emotion like sports, music, movies, and even our dress attire must be destroyed in this Utopian Society as soon as it is found. The idea of having such a Government ruling over us forcing us to take a pill that eliminates all human emotion is unreal. This drug known as Prozium makes user’s minds become very monotonousness and eliminates any diversity in the characters lives. The emotionless state that the characters are in is very unlike our society today, where laughter, love and anger are predominant.
Errol Partridge was a Cleric of the Tetragrammaton for many years. His job was his meaning in life, as it was for many characters in this film. Until the day he met a particular sense offender named Mary