My PAF Nutrition Assignment Performance Enhancers on Ergogenic Aids
The ergogenic aid I chosen is an Anabolic Steroid called Dehydrochlprmethyltestosterone but goes by the name it’s sold under, the brand name is Oral Turinabol. Anabolic steroids can be used to treat some hormone problems in men like, muscle loss (caused by disease) and delayed puberty. Athletes use steroids to build muscles and/or to improve their athletic performance. Abuse of anabolic steroids can cause many health problems.
The Toronto Star talks about steroids, this article is from the Chris Colabello case (AKA the Toronto Blue Jays 1st basemen)
The Toronto Star – Now sold under the brand name Oral Turinabol, the steroid was designed to heighten athletic performance. It is not used to pack on muscle, but it does promote muscular endurance, improve recovery, increase strength and help athletes maintain their physical peak throughout a long season. …show more content…
“But it will enhance the existing athlete within. If it wasn’t phenomenal for this purpose you can bet the East Germans wouldn’t have been using it and successfully so for nearly two decades.”
A substance will be considered part of the Prohibited List for WADA if the substance meets any two of the following three criteria:
- It has the potential to enhance or enhances sport performance
- It represents an actual or potential health risk to the athlete
- It violates the spirit of