Daniel Portillo
University of Phoenix
Alberto Sbrizzi
February 10, 2010
The use of steroids in amateur and professional sports has been present since the 1950’s. Did you know that Major League Baseball was the first sports organization to implement a comprehensive drug testing policy? This policy launched because of the findings of a bottled substance of androstendione a form of steroids in Mark McGwire’s locker. Unfortunately at this time Mark McGwire was in route to break the home run record. This paper will examine the cause and affects of Steroids in baseball, include interviews with players that have openly admitted using steroids and prove that steroids does indeed enhance the players ability to perform at a higher level.
Body of Research
There has been a lot of controversy regarding steroids in baseball. Questions have been asked: does it enhance the player’s ability? Do baseball records today reflect the use of steroids? The most common use of steroids is to increase muscle development and growth, increase stamina and endurance and the reduction of body fat. Steroids are used by players to gain a competitive edge against other players, giving the player the ability to hit the ball farther and to throw the ball harder. In the 90’s Ken Caminitti went on record stating that half of the Major league players are using steroids. Statistics shown Total home runs surpassed the 5,000 mark in the 90’s compared to 4,000 in the 80’s. Steroids in the 1990’s were evident with the home run statistics and multiple players going on record admitting the use of steroids. In 2005 Baseball owners and players came up with stiffer and more stringent penalties. These new penalties are much harsher than the previous ones. This was a quick solution to take a more serious approach to monitor and penalize the use of steroids in the major leagues. For the first offense of steroids a player will receive a
References: By Ryan Szivos, Research/Penn State Can steroids enhance athletic performance? http://www.physorg.com/news71508517.html The Baseball Steroid era Popular Steroid articles President Obama quote http://www.baseballssteroidera.com/ Banned substances in baseball reports from Bob Costas interview Alex Rodriquez http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3894847