This is the first formal United States National Report on the CCMS Road Safety Pilot Study Follow up. The four year pilot study was completed with the submission of the final report in May 1974. This follow-upreport documents progress made to date in implementing the recommendations of the study, as well as specific United States activities in implementing CCMS road safety resolutions. It includes the basic material previously provided by the United States in the interim follow-up reports at CCMS plenary meetings in October 1974 and April 1975, thus providing an updated reference base for future activity. The pilot study and follow-up efforts with the full support and cooperation of participating NATO CCMS nations have been very successful and gratifying. The US. Department of Transportation is pleased to submit this report and looks forward to continued international cooperation on the road safety problem, which continues to be so significant in today’s modern society.
James B. Gregory Administrator National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
In order to insure national commitment to implement programs recommended by the Road Safety Pilot Study, CCMS approved the International Resolution on Road Safety.1 The resolution was promulgated in November 1973 and endorsed by NAC in December of the same year. This resolution pledges member countries to “use their best efforts to prevent any increase in the annual number of traffic deaths for each class of road user on their road networks over the next five year period and thereafter to reduce such number progressively.” With this goal in mind, the resolution calls for intensified development and exchange by member countries of national road safety action programs drawing on the recommendations of the pilot study. The resolution also provides for international agreement on action programs through the process of adopting