To solve the shared bandwidth problem with the company network new equipment is necessary. First off the 10mbps Ethernet hub should be replaced with a 100mbps, due to its better performance. An extended star topology with a logical switch topology will be the best setup for the situation. As for the five new computers a wireless approach will be best. For this method each new addition will need to be equipped with a wireless NIC (network interface card). To connect these to the network a wireless router and a wireless access point will also be needed.…
Wireless support is currently only available at the site A. An access point will be need…
Before beginning the labs, set up the wireless network just as you did last week. Remember: You will need to configure the routers for every lab period for every lab meeting. Use the same settings you used last week (if they differ from the worksheet) and the same router/network you assigned to each student. Remind…
Gookin (2008) Troubleshooting Your PC For Dummies, 3rd Edition; Hardware Needed for a Wireless Network; obtained from…
Wireless LAN - A wireless local area network links two or more devices using a wireless connection.…
The next component that we will look at is a wireless access point. The wireless access point basically extends the network out via wireless. If you a wireless router you most likely will not need an access point? Access point as normally used in large area networks covering large areas. The average cost for a Wireless Access Point is around $600 dollars per Access…
The new location in South Dakota will need an Internet modem and wireless router. The modem will be used to connect the office to the Internet, and the router will be used to connect the workstations of the new locations together to create a LAN. A wireless router will allow authorized users to connect to the network from a wireless device. The settings in the router itself will be used to control what devices can connect to the network by using MAC filtering. User account controls will be set on all workstations to control which users have access to sensitive materials.…
I would suggest installing a Local Area Network, which will supply networking capabilities to computers in the company. The set up for installation requires a modem and wireless routers to be able to connect all computers to the internet, using Ethernet cables or wireless card connections will allow all computers access to the internet via a broadband connection. Each computer or client will be able to access all necessary information on the network this can be achieved by utilizing file sharing will allowing that company to dictate who has access to what information on the network. I would also suggest printer sharing, which will allow the company to dictate who has access to the printer. I would also utilize TCP/IP Protocols; which are the rules that allow computers to connect to one another and that enable computers and peripheral devices to exchange information.…
There are physical devices that connect the computer to the network of lines that you use to communicate over. It could be a modem, a network card, a radio transmitter, or a router.…
I would install an internetwork, which are various LANs that are linked together by a…
At our company all of our computers can connect wireless to our database, also we can connect our phones to our wireless network in order to have faster access to the internet.…
WLANs (wireless local area networks) are becoming increasingly prevalent, not only in schools, but in many businesses and establishments. They can provide a plethora of benefits within a school environment including flexibility, speed, and resource mobility. A WLAN would assist in ease of use, and make many of the day-to-day functions of school employees easier.…
Federal, state and local regulations and agency’s affect REI as well as every other business. The Federal Trade Commission regulates competition to avoid unfair practices. The Consumer Protection Agency helps protect the health and safety of consumers. Since REI has many private label products they must make sure that they are safe to avoid…
What is the major theme in the novels and how to the characters influence this…
repeaters. The longer the distance from one device to another (pc to wireless router) the…