Africa people began to enjoy a more modern and more energetic way to celebrate new year …show more content…
American people. They have lavish dinner to praise themselves for the effort they have contributed for the last one year. People also go to urban center to rejoice the most important day of the year. Music wave in the ocean of people, people move with music and dance hastily until they cannot move their legs. Taking a specific example of the Victoriav and
African Waterfront in cape town. Fervent people organize carnival called Minstrel Carnival, and people dressed colorfully walk around the street, bring more New Year happiness to other people.
This parade will be the largest throughout the year. The line move around the city and every single body in every single corner of the city. At night, people will gather in the center of the square, share their enthusiasm to the last few second of the past year. The clock count, the bell ring, after the count the last second together, the first year come.
The urban residents still remain the ancient tradition and superstition to the god and supernature.
New Year in Cape town
On the first day, people throw out their furniture cluelessly. They throw out sofa, couch, table or chair, because they believe that when they throw the furniture, they also throw all of the past, including misfortune.
Thus they would have a blank and blessing chapter for the entire year. However, when 2014, someone was injured by the refrigerator people threw. The government began to to notice this practice, then it proposed a set of law and banned the practice.
The urban African people, living in the city, believe both the symbol of the old world and the new world. They create the most unique way to celebrate new year in the world, and leave a mark on African