In the viewpoints of both ethnic group, female is only regarded as wife, who must be held responsible for giving birth and taking care of the family in a household. As a result, most young girls marry in their teenage years and do not continue with higher education. Some of them do not even think of further enriching their knowledge because the tradition is firmly embedded in their life. Fortunately, their perspectives have changed in response the current stage of globalization. More and more Hmong and Malay females are pursuing higher education and exploring in the education world. If no one dare to break the tradition, I think that they will still follow the tradition and will be left behind the modern ways of
In the viewpoints of both ethnic group, female is only regarded as wife, who must be held responsible for giving birth and taking care of the family in a household. As a result, most young girls marry in their teenage years and do not continue with higher education. Some of them do not even think of further enriching their knowledge because the tradition is firmly embedded in their life. Fortunately, their perspectives have changed in response the current stage of globalization. More and more Hmong and Malay females are pursuing higher education and exploring in the education world. If no one dare to break the tradition, I think that they will still follow the tradition and will be left behind the modern ways of