Essay Topic: Writing and its rewards (1885) by Richard Marius (P.68—69)
Essay Title: How to become a good writer
Introduction Style: Use general introduction style – introduce my thesis and several related points I intend to write about.
Thesis Statement: Writing is not an easy task, although it is possible to improve your writing skills through continues practice, which includes spend a good amount of time on your writing; train yourself to bear solitude and hang on to your pursuits to write and never give up. Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence: Writing is an essential skill nowadays. Detail: (a) Good writing is beneficial for both students and workers. Detail: (b) Writing is not easy Detail: (c) How to be a good writer according to Richard Marius. Body Paragraph #2 Topic Sentence: The author provided three practical tips over the essay. Detail: (a) Spend time on it Detail: (b) Be able to stand some kind of solitude Detail: (c) Keep writing, never give up. Body Paragraph #3 Topic Sentence: The organization and development of this essay is quite logical and straight forward. Detail: (a) Explain how the author organized the essay. Detail: (b)Explain how the author developed the essay. Detail: (c) The whole organization and development make the essay logical and easy to follow.
Body Paragraph #4 Topic Sentence: I choose this essay because I want to improve my writing and I like this essay. Detail: (a) The essay helps me in writing. Detail: (b) It is clear and easy to understand. Detail: (c) The author gave specific example of how to write well.
Conclusion Style:
Signal the end of the essay using the phase “In conclusion”; To wrap up the various points of my essay. In this case, I understand writing is not an easy task, but I am willing to putting effort in it using tips I learned from the essay I chose.