“Rappaccini’s Daughter” tells the story of a scientist, Rappaccini, who is dedicated to the faultless poisonous flowers within his garden. “Nothing could exceed the intentness with which this scientific gardener examined every shrub which grew in his path” (“Rappaccini’s Daughter”). …show more content…
However, this passion momentarily subsides when he falls in love with Georgiana, the near perfect woman. Aylmer’s infatuation with science causes him to focus on Georgiana’s one flaw, her birthmark. Hawthorne provides Aylmer with great scientific aptitude. This leads the antagonist to believe he can play the role of god. Aylmer becomes obsessed with the concept of human perfection and is willing to experiment on his wife’s face to attain it “I even rejoice in this single imperfection, since it will be such a rapture to remove it.” (“The Birthmark”). Georgiana becomes aware of Aylmer’s flawed research and begins to realize that science is not always the answer. Unfortunately, Aylmer never realizes this and continues to experiment on his wife. Ultimately, Georgiana drinks an elixir that Aylmer has created and it successfully removes her birthmark. The solution’s potency is too strong for Georgiana and she succumbs to the concoction. Aylmer loved his wife, however, he valued science above all else and paid the ultimate