The story begins with the coroner asking questions about the events that led up to his death. “The witness was sworn. ‘What is your name? the coroner asked…Age?” (40). This systematic approach to looking at the chain of event and the evidence present on the corpse is more like the way we approach science now. When Bierce describes the body he says, “there were dreadful lacerations: the skin was torn in strips and shreds,” which seems very clinical and straight to the facts, the way a coroner might describe a corpse’s wounds, without emotion (43). Because everyone is seemingly rational and sane, it makes the story seem that much more far out when we learn about the actual events. At the end, when the reader gets a glimpse into what was actually happening, Hugh, the dead man, describes sound and color in his journal in a very scientific, fact-filled, and straight forward way: “at each end of the solar spectrum the chemist can detect the presence of what are known as “ectinic” rays… there are colors we cannot see… the Damned Thing is of such a color!”
The story begins with the coroner asking questions about the events that led up to his death. “The witness was sworn. ‘What is your name? the coroner asked…Age?” (40). This systematic approach to looking at the chain of event and the evidence present on the corpse is more like the way we approach science now. When Bierce describes the body he says, “there were dreadful lacerations: the skin was torn in strips and shreds,” which seems very clinical and straight to the facts, the way a coroner might describe a corpse’s wounds, without emotion (43). Because everyone is seemingly rational and sane, it makes the story seem that much more far out when we learn about the actual events. At the end, when the reader gets a glimpse into what was actually happening, Hugh, the dead man, describes sound and color in his journal in a very scientific, fact-filled, and straight forward way: “at each end of the solar spectrum the chemist can detect the presence of what are known as “ectinic” rays… there are colors we cannot see… the Damned Thing is of such a color!”