Did Orwell Prophesize our world when he
Wrote 1984?
By: Khalid Ibrahim
Course: English
Course Code: ENG4U
Instructor: Sr. Sureer
Date: 22/02/2013
In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, there were many figurative ideological things that were created. For starters, there was a government known as the Party that had created a recessive regime to have full control over all people to a point where one cannot even think without the fear of being locked up and vaporized for thought crime. Within everyone was instilled a fear that if they acted out in any shape or form, they would be caught by the Thought Police and be dealt with in an unjustly manner. There were 3 countries or states: Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia, each country had within it 3 classes: Upper class, Middle class, and Lower class. Each country or state shared the same philosophy and attitude, that the government must have complete control over there people and the only way to do that is through psychological manipulation. By making sure that everyone is at the same level, changing and tampering with documents so that they appeal to what the government is saying, and dealing with people who act out in a severe manner so that no one else does the same makes sure that at all time, the government in power has 100% control over all. In a twisted way, yes, Orwell did foreshadow into the future and predict what is happening in our world today. Some may not like the idea or argue with the claim that your every move is being monitored and in a way being navigated by a government in charge. Today, this day in age, if someone were to want to fall completely of the grid, it would be tremendously difficult because with the advance technology there is, there would be some sort of way to track them down and bring them to civilization. In the novel, Orwell created a character that is completely feared by all the other characters, yet still has no physical appearance. Big Brother is the supreme ruler