
Essay for Being Late.

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Essay for Being Late.
The main reason for this essay is because I did not follow out proper orders and was not at the correct place of duty for PT/Accountability formation at the correct time. Although there was a miscommunication, granted on my half, there is still no excuse for me to miss a formation. I want to be an excellent soldier and I want to excel in the military. The first step I need to put into action is always making sure I am at the appropriate place of duty at the correct time or preferably with time to spare. This is a simple task that is easy and painless to ensure, and it will be accomplished.

Punctuality shows that you are responsible, trustworthy and can follow directions. Punctuality isn't just an order that the Army requires, but also a good personal trait that is a reflection of a person’s character, it shows that you have personal integrity and self-discipline. While some of us are occasionally late due to circumstances beyond our control, habitual tardiness shows a lack of respect for other people and their time. If someone is late continually that shows that they more then likely do not care about what their NCO tells them. Time is a precious gem that should not be wasted at any cost. If you don't use your time wisely, you can never get it back. It is a very special resource in that you cannot store it or save it for later. Promptness is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners, it is favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and usefulness. Lack of punctuality is a theft of someone else's time and a complete lack of respect for others. You should be punctual in everything you do. Punctuality goes hand in hand with military discipline. Recruits are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right from the day one of boot camp. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. This is why we are supposed work so well as a team. By following orders from the more

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