The promise of renewable energy: Clean energy for ever! Energy from inexhaustible sources: the sun, wind, water and geothermal energy. Without the big power plants polluting the air and creating waste at a large scale: they emit CO2, one of the ‘greenhouse gases’ causing global warming, and other contaminated gases that decrease the air quality and change the climate. So that we can provide the needs for the next generations.
But does actually everybody know the importance of renewable energy and what renewable energy means? That is very important? Or not at all? So is it necessary to encourage the use of renewable energy?
The existing fossil fuels are running out.
The usage of fuel increases year on year. Clearly fossil fuel reserves are finite - it's only a matter of when they run out. According to CIA World Factbook. We consume globally every year the equivalent of over 11 billion tonnes of oil in fossil fuels. Crude oil reserves are vanishing at the rate of 4 billion tonnes a year . If we carry on at this rate our known oil deposits will be gone by 2052.
If we want to secure our energy supply in the long term, we will have to choose a different path. We have to a search for renewable energy, because this uses inexhaustible sources.
The poor awareness of renewable energy.
Too few people know exactly what renewable energy is and even less are using it. Most people have heard of green electricity but there knowledge also stops there. People don’t know the benefits of using renewable energy. A study launched in 1998 by a Sustainable Energy Project (PDE) showed that only 20% of the population knows exactly what renewable energy means.
On January 1, 1998 PDE initiated a project to increase production, the use and awareness of renewable energy. Since then, PDE organized many projects and activities. In the last months of 2004, PDE ceased its activity because a lack of funding. This proves again that too little effort is done