Most of the movie “M y Name is K han” was shot in Los Angeles, United States. This paper gives insights into the movie “
My Name is K han” and the reality of an entire race (Muslims) with respect to social discrimination, portraying them asterrorists and treating them as the “others” after the 9/11 incident
“ It’s not about a disabled man fight against disability. It’s a disabled man’s fight against disability that exists in the world
terrorism, hatred, wars”
-Shah Rukh Khan, Bollywood Actor (The Telegraph News, February 13, 2010) 1. LIFE OF MUSLIMS BEFORE 9/11 The event 9/11 divided the timeline of a race into time interval, before and after 9/11. Inorder, to better understand the aftermath of 9/11, an over sight of the pre-9/11 incident of AmericanMuslims is must. Earlier, most Muslims were not under the radar of the
there wasfreedom of speech for them in all the representatives of the constitution and could freely participate insocial events which is seen in the movie wherein Rizvan Khan, sameer going to discovery museumthereby participating in a competition and winning the price. Also, they had the freedom to pursuetheir religion and culture in open world like wearing scarf’s, burka, taqiyah (cap), growing long beards, thobe etc which is depicted in movie from Haseena wearing scarf over the head to theuniversity, streets and market place.Most importantly, there was