Prof.: J. F. Manning
Date: 12/14/12
Week 10 Assignment: Case Study
Topic: Offshoring
These days we hear a lot about offshoring. But offshoring has become a hot topic that it was even discussed in the recent presidential debate. There are so many questions come to us when we talk about outsourcing. Sending jobs to countries who don’t ask for much is easier than paying Americans who ask for what will get them through the day. Workers in countries such as china and India are hard workers. Many people do not realize that outsourced jobs leave many Americans unemployed. Another problem is that we have more than Americans relying on us. Outsourcing affects everyone. That’s why many young Americans are going to other fields that are the less likely to be offshored. Information Technology jobs overseas also run a security and privacy risk. Risks such as these cause a negative impact on outsourcing.
Offshoring is a type of outsourcing in which company’s business process is relocated to a foreign country. Companies usually relocate their operations such as manufacturing, accounting, technical, administrative supportive or customer service to a country where they can have services at much lower pay than in the home country. The companies in United States have their operations primarily in China, India, and some Latin countries. Offshoring has important role in triggering unemployment in United States of America. Big and reputed companies are responsible for offshoring and damaging the America economy.
These days we hear a lot about offshoring. I remember when first time I heard about it. About 12 years ago when I had some technical problem with my computer; I called the toll free number for my computer company Dell and I had this computer technician talking to me and he told me that he is talking from India. I really didn’t have any idea that time that how can I be talking to a person in another
Citations: Baase, S. (2008) A Gift of Fire Social, Legal, and ethical issues for computers and the internet (3rd edition), Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson Education, Prentice Hall Drezner, D. W. (2004). The Outsourcing Bogeyman. Foreign Affairs, 83(3), 22-34. Kim, M. (2011). Offshoring of American Jobs: What Response from U.S. Economic Policy? by Jagdish Bhagwati and Alan S. Blinder, edited by Benjamin M. Friedman. Journal Of Regional Science,51(1), 225-227. Schultz, C. (2006). To Offshore or not to offshore: which nations will win a disproportionate share of the economic value generated from the globalization of white-collar jobs?. Houston Journal Of International Law, 29(1), 231-269. Swartz, N. (2004). Offshoring Privacy. Information Management Journal, 38(5), 24-26.