On September 11, 2001, an act of terrorism took place in New York City on the World Trade Center. As a result of this, many lives were lost and many people were injured. This is completely at fault of the US government. Not only were the people that were inside the World Trade Center affected, but bystanders, and even the first responders were killed, injured, or got sick. The federal government should definitely compensate the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. One reason is because healthcare usage rose above expected levels in months following the attacks. Another reason is that there were a high amount of deaths by many different ways of first responders. A third reason is that it t wasn’t until June 2002 that the air quality around the site returned to normal, so many normal people just going about their day have experienced health problems since the attacks. A study in the September issue of the journal Biosecurity and Bioterrorism provided a picture to date of healthcare usage in the New York City region in the months after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. While it decreased in the first three weeks after the attacks, health care usage increased a significant amount during the following months. Following the declines of health care usage in September, there was a huge increase in healthcare claims in the remaining months of 2001. The increase was greatest among those living within 10 miles of the World Trade Center. A doctor (Dr. Buehler) had an explanation for this: “The particular cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and skin diseases we examined are known to have a link to stress.” This shows that victims of the 9/11 attacks are now hurt, and paying extra for health care. According to the World Trade Center Responder Fatality Investigation Program, there were 614 deaths to first responders. These deaths ranged from both traumatic deaths to death caused by illness. Of the 614 deaths, 146 were
Cited: Caruso, David. “WTC studies find no big jump in cancer, deaths” Associated Press. 1 Sep. 2011 “Study Finds Healthcare Usage Significantly Altered After September 11 Attacks.” Ascribe Business & Economics News Service 11 Sept. 2006. General OneFile. Web. 12 Oct. 2011 “World Trade Center (WTC) Responder Fatality Investigation Program” Wood, Jennie. “How We’ve Changed Since 9/11” Pearson Education, Inc. Smith, Aaron. “The 9/11 fund: Putting a price on life.” CNN Money. 11 Sep. 2011 Solnik, Claude. “Ground Zero compensation area expands.” Long Island Business News. 22 June 2011. General OneFile. Web. 5 Oct 2011.