During the late 1800s, Abraham Lincoln’s abuse of power during the American Civil War. Despite his abilities to keep America sane and together, some of his most controversial decisions might actually be considered now to be abuses of the Presidential power. During his terms as president, he suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus, and upheld the Declaration of Independence above the Constitution. The writ of Habeas Corpus protects …show more content…
Before suspending the writ, he had officers and soldiers to take things into their hands. One author who dedicated his life to this issue, Joshua Kleinfeld, wrote “ when Lincoln suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus, he clothed himself with more power than any individual had possessed in America before, or since.”( Joshua Kleinfeld). Lincoln was a determined president even though his power has gotten the best of him. With the unlimited powers, Abraham Lincoln took away a great deal of power from the legislative branch because and his proclamation. Even though the right belonged to the Congress, he was not empowered under the Constitution to make such a declaration. Another statement by Roger Taney that the he had the power, the stance, and the position to do what he pleased which was getting out of hand. Taney states "a state of rebellion is the only time when Congress could declare the writ removed." He also believed: "This article is devoted to the legislative department of the United States, and has not the slightest reference to the executive branch.."(Roger Taney). He emphasizes that the