
What Are Lincoln's Wrong Decisions

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What Are Lincoln's Wrong Decisions
The world does not operate in black and white, but in shades of gray, just like Abraham Lincoln's presidency. Lincoln was a great president who did what he thought was best during a critical time in the United States. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He was also the president when the very foundation of the United States was in jeopardy. When he became president the nation was on the brink of falling apart. Lincoln had the task of uniting the country and even though his methods were questionable, they kept this country together. Lincoln made mistakes during his presidency regarding the decisions that have affected this nation for the better. Lincoln's presidency operated in shades of gray, rights and wrongs, …show more content…
Lincoln had a difficult decision to make at the beginning of his presidency, let the nation fall apart or keep it together. He chose to keep it together and "believed that war was necessary to suppress the insurrection and to prevent the Confederacy from achieving its goal of independence." Lincoln and the North went to war against the seceded southern states known as the Confederate, with the sole purpose of reuniting and preserving the Union. He only wanted to stop the growth of slavery and not abolish it completely because to do so would go against the constitution. In order to save the Union, the war must be won and Lincoln was prepared to do whatever it takes to win the war. He came up with an idea to win the war based on population. This idea was called the awful arithmetic, the concept of this plan is the North would win the war because they had more men and resource than the South did. For example, if the Union lost 10,000 men they could send in 10,000 more men to replace them, but the South could not replace their soldiers if some died. This was not a popular and well-supported plan, for good reason, but it was accurate in a morbid sense. The North has more men than the South did, so even if the North lost every war as long as they killed Confederate soldiers they would eventually …show more content…
Habeas Corpus prevented the government from accusing and arresting people for no valid reason and it was unconstitutional for Lincoln to suspend it. The Supreme Court ruled the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus as unconstitutional by saying, "the attention of the country has been called to the proposition that one who is sworn to ‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed,' should not himself violate them." Lincoln argued that he had a right to suspend the writ of habeas corpus because " the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, shall not be suspended unless when, in the cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it." What better crisis is there then a time of war, and because Lincoln never accepted the states' secession, he viewed the war as an act of rebellion. By viewing the war as an act of rebellion, Lincoln was well within the right of the constitution to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. With the suspension of Habeas Corpus, Lincoln could "arrest, and detain, without resort to the ordinary processes and forms of law, such individuals as he might deem dangerous to the public safety." Lincoln used the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus to arrest Maryland officials who were for the secession of

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