The framers of the Constitution sought that the writ shall be included in the body of the Constitution in Article I, Section 9, stating that, “The privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in case of Rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.” (site) Abraham Lincoln believed and respected the Constitution and the traditional separation of powers, however he did not feel that the framers of the Constitution intended to wait for Congress to come together to make a decision in a time of crisis. President Lincoln did not want to get rid of the writ of Habeas Corpus because prior to becoming the president he had served in congress and was a lawyer himself and therefore he understood it’s meaning and importance. (site) Suspending the writ of Habeas Corpus was not an easy decision made by Lincoln, yet as the commander in Chief of the United States it was his duty to protect the country in these extreme circumstances of protests and
The framers of the Constitution sought that the writ shall be included in the body of the Constitution in Article I, Section 9, stating that, “The privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in case of Rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.” (site) Abraham Lincoln believed and respected the Constitution and the traditional separation of powers, however he did not feel that the framers of the Constitution intended to wait for Congress to come together to make a decision in a time of crisis. President Lincoln did not want to get rid of the writ of Habeas Corpus because prior to becoming the president he had served in congress and was a lawyer himself and therefore he understood it’s meaning and importance. (site) Suspending the writ of Habeas Corpus was not an easy decision made by Lincoln, yet as the commander in Chief of the United States it was his duty to protect the country in these extreme circumstances of protests and