Abstinence only goal is to prevent teens from sexual intercourse. They used tactics like religion and traditional beliefs to send the message that expressing sexual behavior brings shame to everyone around them (Krueger). Those programs do not teach teens about protection nor ways for them to be in control of their health. Out of the 13 programs funded by the government, only 2 have correct information about protection and prevention (Krueger). Also, only abstinence program’s states have a higher teen pregnancy than states whom teach a variety of sexual education programs. In southern states, where abstinence is only focused on, there are ~20% more births in southern states compared to northern states (Krueger) . Also, abstinence taught teens were more likely to not wear protection and higher chances to contract STDs (Krueger). There needs to be updated sex education programs in high schools in the united
Abstinence only goal is to prevent teens from sexual intercourse. They used tactics like religion and traditional beliefs to send the message that expressing sexual behavior brings shame to everyone around them (Krueger). Those programs do not teach teens about protection nor ways for them to be in control of their health. Out of the 13 programs funded by the government, only 2 have correct information about protection and prevention (Krueger). Also, only abstinence program’s states have a higher teen pregnancy than states whom teach a variety of sexual education programs. In southern states, where abstinence is only focused on, there are ~20% more births in southern states compared to northern states (Krueger) . Also, abstinence taught teens were more likely to not wear protection and higher chances to contract STDs (Krueger). There needs to be updated sex education programs in high schools in the united