
Essay On Abstinence Education

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Essay On Abstinence Education
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the average teenager engages in sexual intercourse by the age of seventeen, but do not marry until the mid-twenties (citation). This means that young adults are at an increased risk for unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections for nearly ten years or longer. The numbers of students engaging in sexual activity of ages thirteen to twenty-four continues to grow each year, as does the number of unplanned pregnancies and HIV infections due to not being fully educated about the risks. Today, the duty of educating students and teenagers about sexual intercourse and the risks involved is left to the government and public school system. Abstinence education programs in public …show more content…
If the children are not being taught at home, it is now added into the curriculum in school. This education is free in the public school system and each student has access as long as they attend class. This education teaches ways to prevent pregnancies so as nurses, this will decrease the number of unintended pregnancies, also decreasing the number of abortions and adoptions seen. Another concept taught is how to prevent infections, which should lead to patients being more knowledgeable about the consequences of unprotected sex. Now that patients are informed, nurses will be able to communicate more effectively in preventing and treating sexually transmitted infections.
The Affordable Care Act aims to increase the quality and affordability of healthcare and has a goal to improve healthcare both technologically and clinically. One of the improvements includes the restoration of funding of abstinence education in the school system. The abstinence-only education has both pros and cons, but the main goal is to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Now that schools have adopted sex education programs, the next step is to guarantee that these programs remain effective and the pregnancy as well as the infection rates remain

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