When it comes down to it, if someone like Michael Bay can fight piracy with money, and an independent filmmaker can’t because they don’t have enough, then cinema-loving might as well just die. If you don’t pay for films and then complain about a lack of representation of different ethnicities or gender identities in mainstream cinema, then I hope you realize you are actively part of the problem of a lack of representation. Studios market and green-light lots of films that cater to straight, white men because trying to appeal to any particular minority will limit their profit margin - it’s a risk. And in the current mainstream cinema climate, taking risks is just not the done
When it comes down to it, if someone like Michael Bay can fight piracy with money, and an independent filmmaker can’t because they don’t have enough, then cinema-loving might as well just die. If you don’t pay for films and then complain about a lack of representation of different ethnicities or gender identities in mainstream cinema, then I hope you realize you are actively part of the problem of a lack of representation. Studios market and green-light lots of films that cater to straight, white men because trying to appeal to any particular minority will limit their profit margin - it’s a risk. And in the current mainstream cinema climate, taking risks is just not the done